
Leona sells CSL 0.215: China Stationery sees 20m shares traded off-market - The Star Online

China Stationery sees 20m shares traded off-market The Star Online CSL is an integrated plastic stationery company with its own brands of plastic stationery products, proprietary products and technical know-how. Tags / Keywords: Business. advertisement. Mo... (more)

Jutta, Tasha, Ivy, and Caridad sold CSL.

Date Volume High Low Close
30.8.13             ---    - 1143880.2200.210 0.215
29.8.13             ----  -- 1645280.2200.205 0.210
28.8.13             ----  -- 1649480.2200.205 0.215
27.8.13          ------   -- 1978530.2300.210 0.215
26.8.13       ----         - 1242540.2450.230 0.230
23.8.13      ---           - 1068750.2500.240 0.245
22.8.13      ----        --- 2488210.2500.235 0.240
21.8.13     ---            - 1334810.2550.245 0.245
20.8.13    ---             - 1275400.2600.250 0.250
19.8.13    --                717880.2600.255 0.255
16.8.13 -----           ---- 5048750.2750.255 0.260
15.8.13   ---             -- 1659340.2650.255 0.255
14.8.13 -                 -- 2014480.2750.270 0.270
13.8.13 -                    919850.2750.270 0.270
12.8.13 -                    911860.2750.270 0.270
7.8.13 -                    498290.2750.270 0.270
6.8.13 -                  - 1166280.2750.270 0.270
5.8.13 ---                  803220.2750.265 0.270
2.8.13 -                    279820.2750.270 0.270
1.8.13 ---                  394360.2750.265 0.270

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China Stationery sees 160m shares traded off-market The Star Online Stock market data showed the shares were traded at four sen above the current market price of 26 sen as at 4.25pm. The 160 million shares represented a 12.8% stake in CSL . CSL is an integ... (more)
讀者kent問: 1)為何中國文具(CSL,5214,主板消費品組)盈利增加,但股價卻一直跌?還有大股東為何售股? 2)在除權日當天前購入票就能享有股息?之後需要持票多久? 假設有些股票寫派�... (more)
(吉隆坡25日訊)中國文具(CSL,5214,主板消費品組)週四有2千萬股於場外以平均30仙易手,比當天28仙交易水平高出了2仙或7.14%。 交易所數據顯示,這批2千萬股佔該公司12億4千200萬股繳足股本... (more)
(吉隆坡15日訊)馬股最近頻頻掀起場外交易風,中國文具(CSL,5214,主板消費品組)續為主角之一,週四又有1億6千萬股股票或相等於12.8%的股權,以每股30仙在場外易手。 隨中國文具執行主席關�... (more)
Well what can i say, im attracted lol an im hoping to possibly find me a good looking soldier and possibly start a real relationship, that is of course if we have a connection. looking for something serious. dont mind if you have kids, I can tell you I do. Please and no games, no drama and be single and drug and disease free. A little about me. Im hispanic, 30, I have a fun but mellow side to me. Big dog lover and can handle getting dirty outside but can clean up nice as well lol. I love my kids so if you cant handle that keep moving along. btw im not ugly fat or jobless. Still interested?... send a pic and tell me about yourself. hope to hear from you! put your age in the subject line to weed out spam ... (more)

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